I would say that these cool, crisp mornings and evenings have sparked a craving in me for a steaming hot bowl of comforting soup. That is part of it. But, the truth is, potatoes were on sale at our local grocery store. I'm a frugal mama anyway, and trying to feed five hungry mouths hurts the pocketbook. So, when I found a 15 pound bag of potatoes on sale for the same price as a 5 pound bag of potatoes, I quickly decided we would be eating potatoes for a while. French fried potatoes, baked potatoes, potato soup, potato salad, hash brown potatoes, roasted potatoes, potato skins, cheesy potato casserole....I could go on an on in true Bubba Gump form. But, I'll stop and get on with the potato soup tutorial.
The first step is to make a roux using 3 TBS of butter and 1 TBS of flour. It should look something like this:
Next, pour in 1 can of chicken broth and let that come to a simmer. The broth will thicken slightly when the roux dissolves into the broth.
While that is simmering, I added in 3 cloves of minced garlic, 2 cups of water, 1 1/2 tsp. pepper, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. onion powder.
Earlier this morning, when I was dreaming of potato soup, I took one potato and cooked it in the microwave. Once it cooled, I peeled it and used a fork to mash it up. I then added it to my simmering pot for even more thickness. That may sound confusing, but it's really simple, see:
Next, I peeled and diced 6 medium, uncooked potatoes into bite sized pieces, and tossed those into the pot.
I sat back and watched a little Family Fued while I let that simmer a few minutes to soften those potatoes up a bit. I love that Steve Harvey.
And, for the final touch, I poured in 2 cups heavy cream, 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, and 1 cup shredded parmesan cheese. (Technically you could just add in 2 cups shredded cheddar, but I was running low so I substituted with some parmesan cheese I had on hand. It worked, and quite well might I add.)
And, voila! That's it! Spoon that hot deliciousness into a bowl and top with shredded cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and green onions.
I've gotta say, I love that I have green onions growing in a pot on my back porch. It feels so good to walk right out the door and pick off a few pieces. Maybe that will be my next blog?